At this year’s WI conference in Münster, we aim to enhance the visibility of cutting-edge research in the German-speaking region. To this end, in addition to traditional formats (Completed Paper / Research in Progress), we are introducing a new submission category with Research Spotlights.
Following the concept of a Paper Development Workshop, English-language manuscripts intended for submission to a top-tier journal (ready-to-submit) can be submitted. A panel of Senior Editors from various prestigious journals will select up to 8 contributions to be presented in a new format during the main conference.
Submission format:
Submissions should adhere to the formatting and maximum page number guidelines of MISQ ( or
Presentation format:
- Research presentation (20 minutes)
- A Discussant’s talk to kick off the open discussion (5 minutes)
- Open discussion (20 minutes)
- June 27, 2025: Submission via ConfTool
- July 31, 2025: Notification of acceptance for presentation
Research Spotlights will not be included in the conference proceedings but will serve as an opportunity for authors to gather extensive feedback during the Spotlight Session before journal submission. The selection of spotlights is at the discretion of the Senior Editor Panel, and no review is provided to authors (other than acceptance/rejection). Promising submissions should be selected, which would be welcomed for submission to one’s own journal.
Further information including the Senior Editors will be published shortly.